After the first photo incident, I might have thought of double checking your CD before leaving the camera shop and not deleting your memory card until you were 100% certain. But recently a young and perhaps inexperienced photo clerk managed to re-format our memory card erasing some 200 photos in the process. Naturally, he denied everything.
Lesson learned – in the future, if I'm going to be away for any length of time without my trusy lap top, I'll carry my USB cable and camera software. Internet cafĂ©’s are plentiful and as the old adage goes: ‘If you want something done right, do it yourself!’
And lucky for us we have been taking many thousands of photos along the way, so not all is lost. And when I say 'WE', I really mean 'KIERAN'. Much like the underwater photos, I can't take any credit for the photos you see on this blog - ok, except the ones that are actually OF Kieran... he's good, but not that good. And yes, he did get close enough to that crocodile and her babies to take that photo. NUTS!
Here's more good stuff from Kieran:
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